You are probably here to learn about the cost of custom software development. Pricing is a crucial factor for anyone intending to create something digital. However, estimating its cost is not easy. The vendor needs to know the type of solution, the target platforms, and a well-defined set of features. In this article, we have tried to give you complete information about pricing for software development services and explain the key factors that affect the final cost.

Turnkey cost is the total cost that must be covered before the product or service is ready for sale and use by consumers . Development costs can include direct costs, such as materials, or indirect costs, such as administrative costs and product development.


In our experience, mobile and web applications are the most in-demand types of software. Let's focus on them.

Web and mobile applications can be roughly divided into three categories according to their level of complexity:

  • Basic applications (about 500-700 hours) . They can be built fairly quickly, but their functionality is quite simple.
  • Applications of medium complexity (approx. 700-1200 hours) . This software has more complex functions.
  • Complex applications (1200+ hours) . Software at this level takes a long time to develop due to complex architecture, security issues, multiple integrations, etc.
Top picks!
from 1200 rubles / hour
Software for Web-portals.
Apps for ANDROID / iOS.
Blockchain development.
Machine Learning.
Fintech development.
Reinforcing the team.
from 1000 rubles / hour
Software revision.
Revision of mobile applications.
Correcting errors on the site.
Correcting errors in the database.
Creating simple solutions for business.
Effective solutions for the site.

Of course, the above categories are quite subjective. So I would like to give you an approximate cost of software development for different types of applications so that you can see the full picture.


We build software based on our experience and ready-made solutions. Our programmers have accumulated over 100,000 hours. Software ordering and development "from scratch" only if it is necessary to transfer full rights to the program or web-application. In other cases programs are transferred under License agreements.

Name of servicePrice
Works on the development of technical specifications for the projectContractual
Work on the development of the appearance of a web application or program (interface)Contractual
Modeling work on a web application or program with full structural and visual elaborationContractual
Prototype development (to reduce the cost of subsequent development)Contractual
Mathematical modeling and elaboration of the intellectual component of the projectContractual
API integration with software, mechanical and electronic systemsContractual
Project testing (bug fixing, tests)Contractual
Development of documentation for the projectContractual